School leaver

Start Date: Duration: Level: Study mode: Course location: Course Type:
September 2 years Level 3 Part-Time - Day Hartlepool Sixth Form A-Levels Apply Enquire

What’s it all about?

A-Level Art and Design is an exciting and diverse course which builds upon and broadens your knowledge of Art from GCSE level. You will have access to a wide range of materials and facilities to help you experiment with new art forms. Studying an Art and Design based subject enables creative thinking and crucial solution solving skills which are transferable to a number of jobs and industries. Alongside Art and Design, students commonly study a combination of creative and design subjects such as photography, graphic design, textiles and product design.

You will need 5 GCSEs at grade 4-9, including Art-based subject.

Study level Cost Additional fees
16-18 FREE You will need to provide your own stationery and you will be given the opportunity to take part in trips and visits.

Initially you will be introduced to new techniques and methods as well as building and refining existing skills. You will explore work in abstract and contemporary forms as well as more traditional sources. With an emphasis on experimentation, you will in

English and Maths are important life skills that will help you to achieve your best in your studies and progress to your dream career. If you have not already achieved grade 9-4 in GCSE Maths and/ or English at school, we will support you to improve your skills.

Mon-Fri, between 9am-4pm. Days and times of study are subject to change. Timetables are confirmed at the start of term.

What’s next?

Students who study A-Level Art and Design have gone onto study and work in a variety of Fields including:
•Architecture and industry design
•Interior design
•Art therapy and art education
•Graphic design and marketing
•Media related journalism
•Commercial art and illustration
•Sculptural and 3D design

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Why sixth form is different to school

A fresh start

Sometimes you just need a clean break to become the person you were destined to be. Starting college is the perfect opportunity to break free and become that new person!

New people

Our diverse student community means that you will meet lots of new people of different ages, backgrounds and interests, so you can enjoy making lifelong friendships!

Specialist Staff

Most of our lecturers are industry savvy and are experts in teaching 16-18 year olds. They have lots of valuable experience and knowledge to pass onto you.


College is a more mature and relaxed environment than school and you are treated like an adult. You’ll be on first name terms with your lecturers so no more Sir and Miss! You can also start to make your own decisions.

Free time

Your timetable will be very different to school. You will have a lot more free time to take part in extra-curricular activities, study, or get extra money and work experience with a part-time job.

Different environment

College is a very different learning environment to school. You may even become more inspired and have a new motivation to work towards your future goal in a college environment.

More choice

A college can offer a much wider choice of A-Level subjects, plus vocational courses in lots of different subjects and at different levels.

More opportunities

You will have the opportunity to take part in lots of different activities outside of the classroom to boost your confidence and help you develop your skills and personal qualities.

Specialist facilities

A college can invest in an extensive range of industry-standard facilities to give you the skills and knowledge to prepare for university or employment, and can also offer subjects that need specialist facilities.

97.2% of our students progress to a positive destination

(*Destination data for Hartlepool Sixth Form students aged 16-18, academic year 2017/18).

Why choose Hartlepool Sixth Form?

We are the College of the Year.

(*Top college nationally for BTECs, Pearson 2019)

100% pass rate in 20 A-Level subjects including Computer Science, Economics, History and Maths. 

*Summer 2019

99.1% overall A-Level pass rate

*Summer 2019

We have recently invested in a brand new state-of-the-art digital suite and health simulation ward.