Expenditure on goods, services and works is a significant part of the College’s overall budget.  It is important that it is undertaken effectively and efficiently.

The College encourages competition and welcomes bids from new and established suppliers. Contracts are awarded on the basis of value for money and although the College cannot discriminate in favour of local companies, it is committed to encouraging and supporting local suppliers to compete for business as well as assisting small or medium sized enterprises (SME) and voluntary community and social enterprises (VCSE) to compete for College business and improve their ability to meet the College’s requirements.

The College has produced a How to do Business Guide to assist suppliers interested in supplying goods, services and works to the College. The guide provides suppliers with an understanding of:

  •  The responsibilities for procurement within the College
  • The rules and regulations the College must comply with
  • How suppliers can be alerted to the opportunities to supply to the College
  • Appropriate contacts

The College has an electronic tendering system that enables suppliers to view contract opportunities, register an interest in a contract and receive and submit tenders online.  Further information is available at in-tendhost.co.uk/nessp. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes.

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